ΔΙΟΤΙ – όπως ΕΧΟΥΜΕ ΧΙΛΙΟΓΡΑΨΕΙ – τα χρεη προς Μπουντεσμπανκ σε Εθνικα Νομισματα αξιζουν οσο οι Αληθειες του Μπεννυ και του Αντωνακις.
Η Ελλαδα μονο θα χρεωσει τη Γερμανια με 76.6δις ευρω… ( χωρις ΕΚΤ/Μπουντεσβανκ/ιδιωτες)
15.1 billion euros from Germany alone would have been awarded the bilateral loan write off, which was adopted in May 2010 part of the first rescue package are. 20 billion euros stuck to Germany as a liability amount from the second bailout by the IMF and EFSF. Would be added to the percentage loss of 12.1 billion euros of Greek government bonds, Federal Bank, which bought the ECB and these would have to write off a national bankruptcy in Greece. On further € 28.1 billion would amount to the federal share of the losses in the so-called target of the ECB claims against Greece.
ΥΓ. ξερετε ποσο είναι το 25% του ΑΕΠ της Γερμανιας? Δειτε το πινακακι…
Compliance ζητατε ?? Την πηρατε.-
ΥΓ2. Στον αλλον πινακα τα «ΛΕΦΤΑ» που χρειαζονται για να αυξηθει το ταμειο του περιπτερου EFSF στα 1.4 τρις ευρω. = 790δις Εγγυησεις από Γερμανια και μια αυξηση κοντα στο 60% του χρεους των Ταρανδων.
And the biggest concern, one which WiWo only briefly touches upon, is that once the EMU exits begin, and the Eurosystem collapses, all those receivables due to the Bundesbank become null and void, or at best payable in drachma, peseta, escudo, and lira. In other words: completely worthless. As a reminder, at last check the total amount of TARGET2 obligations had soared to a record 25% of German GDP.
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